by Carlo Buffa
Only now, in retrospect, have I gone back and given some thought to what the historical antecedents of the Annomille font were. Looking through my books and facsimiles of medieval manuscripts I was able to reconstruct my sequence of ideas and find the source of my inspiration, which I include, not simply to provide an intellectual justification for my work but to point out again (as though I really needed to) the distance that divides the large, freely written letters used in the colored headings found in manuscripts of the 11th or 12th century from a modern digital font, even one created with free use of the hand and eye.
Sancti Ieronimi in Pentatheucum MoysisDetail from a 12th century Bible in the library of the Seminario Vescovile, Padua.
In principio creavit Deus celum et terramDetail from a manuscript of Flavius Josephus in the Laurentian library, Florence.
Reverentissimo et sanctissimo fratri Leandro coepiscopo Gregorius serws servorum DeiPage from a 12th century manuscript of the letters of Gregory the Great in the Marciana library, Venice